
Horizons 1

Horizons Village is a special place. Around each corner, behind every tree, a new discovery awaits. Residents and visitors are surrounded by wetlands, natural springs, and pristine streams and waterways. They explore old-growth mountainous forests and amble across expansive meadows. They observe wildlife of all shapes and sizes, from tiny salamanders to soaring hawks, inquisitive deer and foxes, and even the occasional black bear (oh my!). And just outside the neighborhood’s confines, they find themselves in the heart of the “Napa Valley of the East,” with every imaginable amenity just a short drive (or bike ride) away.

The neighborhood’s unique, legally binding covenants recognize and protect these natural resources. The principles of environmental and ecological conservationism are woven throughout the covenants, which govern where residents site their homes, encourage energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive design and construction, and guide the way owners maintain their lots and care for the surrounding environment.

Learn more about Horizons Village in our section for “Lot Seekers.”

Click here to view a Google map of Horizons Village and the surrounding area.

Click here to view a map of Horizons Village with lot boundaries.